The environmental impact of using wave and tidal energy
environmental impact of wave and tidal energy is still pretty much in unknown territory,
simply because these two energy sources are yet to move beyond the stage of prototype
projects used for demonstration purposes and become widely deployed
possible negative environmental effects of tidal and wave power include:
- the frames of the turbines could lead to
disruption in movement of large marine animals and ships through the channels
on which the barrage is built
construction of tidal power plant can also disrupt fish migration in the
oceans, and even kill fish population when passing through the turbines.
- the
possibility of noise pollution
UK is currently the global leader in
developing marine energy technologies so it is really no surprise that UK has recently
launched first seabed sonar that should measure the environmental effects of
tidal and wave power at couple of domestic test sites.
The two state-of-the-art
sonar systems will monitor fish and diving seabirds that pass through or feed
within the location, with the special emphasis on how fish and seabirds
interact with wave and tidal power installations.
deployed, marine and wave power technologies change water flow and turbulence,
and scientists want to know how these changes impact marine wildlife, namely
whether their environment impact is minimal or not.
sonars will give scientists precious info on how fish and birds act around
different marine renewable energy devices, and will give them an answer about
the possible risk of collision between marine wildlife and installed turbines
(tidal power is renewable energy that comes from tidal currents and is
generated by using turbines in the tidal flow).
Tidal and
wave resources have great potential to become important renewable energy
sources in years to come. These two sources are predictable and this gives them
an important advantage over solar and wind. However, before widely deploying
wave and tidal energy technologies it is important to study their environmental
The current
environmental condition of our planet is anything but good and therefore only
environmentally friendly energy sources should be developed further. Tidal and
wave power certainly look promising from environmental point of view, but it is
still too early to come up with accurate conclusions. Not without the further
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